What is the procedure for cleaning commercial kitchen?

Equipment, such as cloths, must be placed in the washing machine every day along with other commercial laundries, with a ready supply at hand. The mops should also be cleaned regularly.

What is the procedure for cleaning commercial kitchen?

Equipment, such as cloths, must be placed in the washing machine every day along with other commercial laundries, with a ready supply at hand. The mops should also be cleaned regularly. Before being used again, the mop must be rinsed with a hot water faucet to remove excess food residue and dirt before being used again. In addition to using the right cleaning products for the toughest jobs, they must also consider the fire code and food safety regulations, and use the right cleaning tools and equipment; without them, they will never be able to properly clean their commercial kitchen.

However, as long as you follow the advice on commercial kitchen cleaning procedures that we have outlined here, you can protect your customers, ensure the quality of your food and safeguard your reputation. Introducing rigorous and thorough cleaning practices as soon as you open your restaurant will help ensure that all the food you serve is fit for consumption, as well as reduce the risk of contamination that could make your customers or employees sick. You should also sweep or vacuum the floor and then scrub and clean it with an antibacterial floor cleaner and disinfectant after each shift. If you want to stick to your schedule and ensure that your kitchen is completely hygienic, you'll need to have a good selection of professional cleaning products and equipment on hand.

So, be sure to clean your kitchen drains once every two weeks with a professional-quality drain cleaner and then rinse them with hot water. The easiest way to keep your commercial kitchen clean on a regular basis is to hire a professional team to clean it. Clean office floors show that the company is professional, responsive, and cares about its appearance. Cleaning Food areas and equipment should be cleaned and disinfected between tasks, and especially after handling raw meat.

Before the shift, when entering the kitchen at the beginning of a shift, the chef must clean all surfaces with an antibacterial, food-grade cleaner and a clean cloth, clean the sinks, and arrange clean cloths and towels to keep on hand during the shift. Therefore, it is recommended that restaurants that do not use a fat fryer every day clean the vents and hoods at least once every 90 days. By creating a plan, you can ensure that everyone knows what their duties are and ensure that cleaning is done consistently during each shift. Staff members should use new cleaning cloths for deep cleaning and different cloths in different parts of the kitchen to avoid cross-contamination.

In this section, we'll give you a rough idea of how often you should clean each area and each appliance, so you know what to do and when. It should indicate what surfaces and appliances should be cleaned, what chemicals or equipment to use, and how often it should be cleaned.

Della Goan
Della Goan

Renowned House Cleaning Specialist