Are there any natural or eco-friendly products i can use for effective and safe house cleaning?

To avoid “green-washed” cleaning products, experts recommended looking for cleaning products with “eco-label” certifications, which the EPA defines as “marks placed on product packaging” that help consumers identify products that meet specific environmental performance criteria and, therefore, are considered “environmentally preferable.” Essential for anyone who wants to make greener cleaning choices, this set of spray bottles serves as the perfect container for homemade vinegar solutions and soap refills. Finding safer, more sustainable, and greener alternatives will help you be part of the green cleaning revolution.

Are there any natural or eco-friendly products i can use for effective and safe house cleaning?

To avoid “green-washed” cleaning products, experts recommended looking for cleaning products with “eco-label” certifications, which the EPA defines as “marks placed on product packaging” that help consumers identify products that meet specific environmental performance criteria and, therefore, are considered “environmentally preferable.” Essential for anyone who wants to make greener cleaning choices, this set of spray bottles serves as the perfect container for homemade vinegar solutions and soap refills. Finding safer, more sustainable, and greener alternatives will help you be part of the green cleaning revolution. If you're specifically looking for natural household cleaning products that eliminate 99.9% of bacteria, germs, and viruses, then you'll need to look for those natural cleaning products that are also disinfectants, like this seventh generation disinfectant bathroom cleaner. When buying natural cleaning products, it's a good rule of thumb to look for shorter, simpler ingredient lists to decrease your overall exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.

Made with mostly organic, plant-based ingredients, they're completely safe to use on all surfaces around the house. Ask any green living expert or organic devotee and they'll tell you that the best natural cleaning products are regular white vinegar or baking soda with a little lemon or orange. If you're not cleaning your house with natural household cleaning products, chances are you're using products with questionable chemicals or ingredients. But what if you don't have time to dedicate to kitchen chemistry right now? This affordable White House cleaner contains only distilled white vinegar, water, and natural lemon extract, making it a good choice for people who don't like the smell of vinegar alone, but don't feel like making a vinegar and essential oil blend on their own.

Natural cleaning products work because they do the job they're designed to do: they remove dirt, grime, and dust from the areas you use them to clean. Cappa said that most of the chemical compounds in cleaning products are organic, but volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a subset that evaporate more easily and can negatively affect indoor and outdoor air quality. Green living has led to a revolution in fashion, food, travel, tourism and, of course, cleaning products in an effort to improve quality of life, protect the oceans and mitigate climate change, among many other social and environmental concerns.

Della Goan
Della Goan

Renowned House Cleaning Specialist