Are there any special techniques i should use when performing a seasonal clean of my home?

Take out the furniture and vacuum underneath. Vacuum along baseboards and other shelves where dust collects.

Are there any special techniques i should use when performing a seasonal clean of my home?

Take out the furniture and vacuum underneath. Vacuum along baseboards and other shelves where dust collects. Use microfiber cloths to remove dust from decor, ceiling fans, and furniture surfaces. After dusting, wipe with a damp cloth to remove even more dust and dirt.

Get the most out of your spring cleaning by using our spring cleaning checklist. Address every room in your house, from the bedrooms, the bathrooms, the kitchen to the living room. Remove greasy fingerprints, dust, and stains from painted walls by wiping them with a damp microfiber cloth or a clean, damp microfiber mop. Make sure to start at the top and work your way down; you'll get extra points if you also clean the door frames and baseboards.

Between deep spring cleanings, wipe stains with a damp microfiber cloth whenever you see stains and marks. Bathroom tile walls can be cleaned the same way, though you may want to combine the damp microfiber cloth with a disinfectant bathroom cleaner to also get rid of germs. The season most commonly associated with cleaning is spring. This is the time to do heavy tasks, such as mopping floors and thoroughly cleaning the bathroom.

However, that doesn't mean you should neglect household chores during the summer. Heat, humidity, and rain can wreak havoc on your home, so it's important to keep it cool and pleasant during spring cleaning. To completely clean the kitchen, scrub the stove, run the cleaning cycle in the oven, clean the kitchen sink, and take care of the extractor hood. The change of season gives you the opportunity to get things done around the house: organize clothes, combat allergens, reduce clutter, ensure your family's safety, and even save money.

During the summer, many home maintenance companies have slow businesses, so you might want to take advantage of reduced prices for home improvement or carpet cleaning. Learn how to freshen up the nooks and crannies of your home with these 47 cleaning instructions from Jeffrey Phillip, organization expert, and Carolyn Forté, executive director of the cleaning laboratory at the Good Housekeeping Institute. Forget about these cleaning tips at the beginning of the season to start summer from scratch. Cozy evenings by the fire, holiday entertainment, snow, and rock salt all over the house: winter brings its own set of specific cleaning challenges.

A useful tip for summer cleaning is to stock porches, decks, and front patios with inexpensive brooms that you can use for all types of cleaning tasks. Taking care of things like this on a daily basis will keep you from feeling overwhelmed by big cleaning projects. Read on for tips to help you clean common stains more quickly and effectively, and for reminders to also address the hardest to reach (and hardest to remember) areas of the house. Now, get your mop and duster ready because we'll tell you all the information about how to clean your house every season.

Do these cleaning tasks at the start of the season so you can enjoy the warm weather and sunshine the rest of the summer. To clean stainless steel appliances and sinks, mix a solution of one teaspoon of dish detergent and one quart of hot tap water.

Della Goan
Della Goan

Renowned House Cleaning Specialist